Galls NIJ 06 Body Armor Guide

You may be wondering why the NIJ Standard-0101.06 (Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor - July 2008) was created. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) revised the current standards (NIJ Standard-0101.04/2005 Interim Requirements) with three primary intents:

1) To improve performance so that all officers receive adequate protection.
2) To provide adequate protection against threats that are likely to be faced over the next decade.
3) To provide assurance that the armor will provide protection through the life of its warranty.

Click on any of the images below for detailed information.
To learn more about the new NIJ 06 standard and the products available at Galls that meet these standards, we have developed the following material to help you with your product selection.

NIJ 06 Overview and FAQ
NIJ 06 Overview
NIJ 06 Armor available at Galls
NIJ 06 Chart

Product Comparisons on Galls By Point Blank Body Armor
Comparison Chart

Click on any of the threat level links below to view or purchase a specific product.
Or click on any of the images below for a detailed information sheet about those products.

Point Blank SE IIA II IIIA
Point Blank SE
Point Blank GL IIA II IIIA
Point Blank GL
Point Blank LX IIA II IIIA
Point Blank LX
ABA Xtreme
Point Blank Vision IIA II IIIA
Point Balnk Vision
Point Blank SMG Molle IIIA NIJ 06 Chart