California Transparency in Supply Chains Act

Galls, LLC and its divisions, subsidiaries, parents, and affiliates support the goals of the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010 and does not condone or permit the use of child, forced, indentured, prison, involuntary, or uncompensated labor in the manufacturing of any materials sold by Galls.

The core focus of our commitment is our Vendor Code of Conduct, which outlines Galls’ principal expectations of its supplier’s social employment practices. Galls’ Code of Conduct covers topics including: compliance with laws and regulations, compensation and benefits, labor, labor hours, hiring and employment practices, health and safety, freedom of association, harassment, abuse, and discrimination. Galls requires our suppliers to sign an agreement in which they acknowledge and agree that they will abide by the standards contained in the Code of Conduct.


Galls’ Code of Conduct requires our suppliers to certify that they will abstain from the use of forced, indentured, bonded, voluntary, prison, or uncompensated labor. Galls requires that our Code of Conduct, translated to the native language, is posted in every facility where products Galls sells are made. Additionally, Galls proactively seeks opportunities to partner with Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) certified supplier facilities and encourages all suppliers to obtain WRAP certification.


Galls confirms compliance with its Code of Conduct through a combination of third party certifications and audits conducted by approved third-party audit firms. Any violation or potential violation of the Code of Conduct or any laws or regulations are documented and discussed with the audited facility, which is then required to implement corrective measures. Follow-up audits verify that such corrective measures have taken place, and Galls reserves the right to terminate an agreement with any supplier that does not comply with the Galls’ Code of Conduct.


Suppliers that work with Galls agree to comply with the obligations outlined in Galls’ Code of Conduct and any applicable laws or regulations in the U.S. or abroad. Galls reserves the right to require suppliers to reaffirm, at intervals determined by Galls, their commitment to the Code of Conduct.


Galls’ suppliers are expected to act ethically and are required to maintain compliance with the Galls’ Code of Conduct. In the event of an alleged violation of the Code of Conduct, Galls is committed to investigating and responding with the appropriate action, up to and including termination of the supplier agreement.


The Galls Code of Conduct is provided to each of Galls’ supply chain decision makers (merchandisers, buyers, and sourcing managers) for review and acknowledgment.