Lion Item# FE1728 Mfg# BEPB03-1B

Lion BullsEye Digital Fire Extinguisher Training System V3, Base Package


Due to extended delivery times, this item will ship when available.


Side Zipper
Slip Resistant
8in Height
Side Zipper
Slip Resistant
8in Height
Ortholite Insole
Shock Absorption
Slip Resistant
8in Height
Shock Absorption
Side Zipper
Slip Resistant
8in Height
Full-Grain Leather
Shock Absorption
Slip Resistant
8in Height
Full-Grain Leather
Shock Absorption
Side Zipper
8in Height
Ortholite Insole
Full-Grain Leather
Side Zipper
8in Height
Shock Absorption
Side Zipper
Slip Resistant
8in Height
Composit Toe
Shock Absorption

Lion BullsEye Digital Fire Extinguisher Training System V3, Base Package

Achieve safe, realistic training, anywhere, any time with the Lion® BullsEye™ Digital Fire Extinguisher Training System V3 Base Package. Eliminates the hazards of live burns, and can be used completely indoors, anywhere a fire may occur in a real emergency. One person can plug the system in, set it up and be ready to train in just one minute.

Sensors detect trainees’ actions and respond like a real fire. The flames will only subside and go out if the trainee uses the proper P.A.S.S. (Pull the extinguisher pin. Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. Squeeze the lever above the handle. Sweep the nozzle from side to side.) method.

Bullseye extinguishers are set to discharge for the same amount of time as a real extinguisher and are weighted accordingly to closely simulate actual extinguishers. The BullsEye uses lasers to simulate the discharge of actual extinguishers for a completely clean and safe training experience.

  • Laser extinguishers interact with sensors embedded in the panel
  • Varies flame automatically based on BullsEye extinguisher input
  • Includes setting for: combustible materials, flammable liquids, flammable gas and electrical fire
  • Adjustable to 10 levels of difficulty
  • Custom training scenarios
  • Electronic training records
  • Overall Base Unit Dimensions: 28-1⁄2” × 26” × 4-3⁄4”
  • Base unit: stainless steel
  • Base unit weight: 31 lbs.
  • Wireless IR remote
  • Optional wireless touch screen
  • BullEye extinguisher: IR signal with green laser display, 5mW maximum output, Class 3R laser product, speaker simulates extinguisher discharge, ultrasonic emitter for distance detection, rechargeable NiMH 7.2V
  • Charger: 100-240V AC, 50/60Hz, 0.6A input, 12V DC, 1.5A output

    Base Package Includes:

    • BullsEye™ Digital Fire Extinguisher Training System, V3
    • BullsEye™ Transport Case
    • BullsEye™ 2 kg/5 lb Dry Chemical Digital Laser Extinguisher
    • Extinguisher Transport Case

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