Police Handcuff Keys
Even though each set of handcuffs come with a set of handcuff keys, a back up set is always necessary. With the variety of uniforms worn by law enforcement and security personnel, plus the physical activity required in their daily jobs most officers have several sets of backup hand cuff keys.
With the need of having multiple sets of handcuff keys, manufacturers such as Zak Tool, Galls, and ASP have designed handcuff keys that are attached to either duty uniform pants, held on a general key ring, or clipped onto a pant or uniform shirt pocket.
Popular Handcuff Keys
For a standard pocket clip handcuff key, many police officers choose the Galls Black Pocket Handcuff Key. With being known for being great to remove tight or finicky cuffs, this cuff key is only 4” long and fits nicely into shirt pockets, which allows you can take it with you on any assignment or police call. A popular key chain cuff key is the Zak Tool Swivel Cuff Key. This swivel key is sturdy and stylish with its American Flag and includes the classic swivel design.
Law Enforcement Handcuffs & Restraints
Even though all certified law enforcement cuff keys are universal, the type of handcuff or restraint utilized will vary depending on occupation and environment. With the importance of keeping our public safety professionals safe, Galls is proud to offer over 35 different handcuffs, 12+ styles of transport restraints, and multiple styles of flexible restraints.
If you need additional duty gear, we have the selection you are looking for. We feature tactical gear including riot gear, body armor, and defense sprays so that you can start your shift with confidence that you are safe and protected.