Flexible Restraints & Plastic Handcuffs
When it comes to detaining suspects and executing multiple arrests, time is of the essence. If tense situations arise, such as riots, an officer needs to be prepared to act quickly and retain control.
Plastic handcuffs and flexible restraints can give a tactical advantage over standard handcuffs. Law enforcement officers carry the standard handcuff on their duty belt, but when entering certain environments officers may carry flex cuffs.
Flex cuffs come in different styles, single loop cuffs, double loop cuffs and tri-fold disposable restraints. Galls carries a wide variety of disposable handcuffs from the most trusted brands, including ASP, Safariland, Monadnock and E-Z Cuff.
Handcuff & Restraint Accessories
When transporting high-risk prisoners, detaining a suspect or making an arrest, it is important that police officers have the appropriate handcuff and restraints available. Galls is proud to offer over 160 different styles of restraints, including transport restraints, leg irons, steel handcuffs and cuff holders.