SD1308Sabre Red 1.33% MC Mk-3 Stream Defense Spray$348.75//
SD066SABRE Red Crossfire Gel MK-2 Defense Spray$17.25//
SD155Sabre Inert Training Water Spray for MK-3$17.52//
SD201Sabre Tactical Pepper Gel with Flip Top & Belt Holster$23.89//
SD200Sabre Red Crossfire 5.0 MK3 Level II Formula$19.99$17.00//
SD120Sabre Red DPS Mark 4 Defense Spray$24.00//
SD1188SABRE Personal Safety Kit w/ OC Spray and Personal Alarm$19.99//
SD340SABRE RED 1.33% MC MK-3 1.8 oz Foam Spray$17.75//
SD128SABRE RED 1.33% MC 1.8 oz Cone Stream (MK2), 54 mL Pepper Spray$17.50//
SD042Sabre Refillable Inert Unit MK-4$39.50//
LE715Sabre Red Maximum Strength Pepper Spray$11.99//
SD384Sabre Red 1.4 oz Crossfire MK-2 Inert Training Spray$14.75//