Training Weapons & Accessories
Galls has an extensive line of training weapons for true-to-life training situations without the risk of using actual arms. From detailed replicas of pistols, rifles, and shotguns to alternative models of knives, defense sprays and restraints, we have a comprehensive collection of equipment for your training and professional development programs. BlueGuns, BlackHawk, and ASP are names you can rely on for your training needs.
Our assortment of Glock training guns and other models give officers the weight and feel of the real thing without any of the risk involved in using them during exercises. Using these rubber training guns, cuffs and other simulated weapons allows them to hone their skills and develop the muscle memory they will need in the field to react to threats. Because of their bright coloration, there’s also no need to worry that these blue training guns or red guns will be mistaken for the real thing. Galls is your complete resource for these and many other public safety training weapons and accessories. Get in touch with us today to place your order or learn more about our selection.