Gear Bags & Patrol Bags
Having your essential gear organized and with you can help make your day go smoothly when on patrol. No matter if you are a rookie police officer or a 20-year police veteran, having your patrol bag stocked and quickly accessible can sometimes mean the difference between life and death.
For different professions, duty bags can carry a variety of gear and come in an array of sizes. Depending on the amount of gear required, the size of the gear bag can vary, including, a briefcase, equipment bag, delivery bag, bail out bag, deployment bag, and additional patrol bags.
Popular Police Gear Bags
When it comes to the standard police bag, the Galls Original StreetPro Gear Bag is top-rated for quality and durability. The “go-to” duty bag keeps all your police equipment organized with room to spare. This everyday duty bag has reinforced walls, a padded top, nylon web handles, and an adjustable shoulder strap that can handle all the gear you can cram into it. Toss it in your trunk or keep it on your passenger seat, this police gear bag is built to last and is budget-friendly.
The 5.11 Wingman Patrol Bag is the ultimate portable organizer that not only functions as a car seat organizer but also as a classic messenger bag. It even fastens to your passenger seat with a seatbelt pass-through to prevent your gear from flying everywhere. The police gear bag has adjustable dividers, web platforms, and Back-up Belt System panels on the interior and exterior for sorting your gear. The Velcro panels on the outside allow you to attach MOLLE system pouches and accessories, while the fold-over flap keeps all your contents secured and covered.
Additional Duty Gear
We provide a comprehensive collection of EDC gear like tactical bags and cases, fire bags, medical bags, military backpacks, military duffel bags and luggage, MOLLE backpacks, seat and trunk organizers, and accessories for standard duty shifts, intense training regimens, target practice sessions or overnight hiking adventures.
Galls strives to offer our police, military, EMS, and first responders the best that the industry can offer in their tactical bags, duty bags, backpacks, and personal equipment. We offer brands ranging from 5.11 Tactical, Oakley, Galls, PROPPER, Maxpedition, Vertx, and BlackHawk.